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*“The principle is to introduce energy and medicinal vibrations directly into the body (by passing the normal digestive and assimilative processes of the alimentary canal).”   -Edgar Cayce


*” The body is an energetic mass which is primarily water and a balance of minerals.  It operates as an electrical system at various levels of electrical energy (frequencies). There are as many as 1.2 million various frequencies in the body controlled by numbers…. Reading numbers is like sending an intention to the body for the synchronization of frequency vibrations.”   -Lloyd Mear


*Energy Medicine; “The cells with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance. “  -George Lakhosky


*Etheric Energy; “Etheric Energy refers to a type of very fine matter or substance. It is all around us, and it permeates all physical matter and space throughout the universe. It is the same as that which is called chi, qi, vital force, prana and other names in various languages….It is really a range of frequencies of energy, and not just a single frequency of energy. “  -Lawrence Wilson


“A "Rife machine" is a research instrument invented by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. A Rife machine is a  device which emits audio and/or radio waves applied in some fashion to an individual with the intent of bettering the individual's health.   The rate at which these waves are emitted is called 'frequency', which is measured in 'hertz', or cycles per second.”   -Royal Raymond Rife           


*"It was Einstein who shed light on quantum physics yet medicine still ignores the benefits of utilizing frequencies to aide healing. While we may never fully understand how light heals, I find it interesting that God uses the metaphor of light to describe both goodness and Himself."      - Dr. Conners

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